Hi there – I’m Michelle.
I’m a creative, writer, and deep thinker. I’m also a certified Christian Leadership Coach and a small business owner.
This blog was created as a resource for women who seek to craft a life full of purpose, groundedness, and quiet strength from a core place of inner beauty.
The articles and videos contain valuable information that I have worked through and pondered over in pursuit of that end.
I am always learning and willing to update my views if given ample reason to do so, and as such this blog can also be seen as a living, changing, breathing document of my own journey and evolution in regards to inner beauty philosophy. Hence the blog title The Meep Diaries (and Meep is a name I have called myself from childhood. But no one else calls me that).
Inner beauty may a first glance seem like a woo-woo concept, a thing that is intangible and undefinable. And indeed, at first Google search there doesn’t seem to be a primary definition beyond “stemming from a good heart” or something else just as vague.
That’s where I come in. My goal is to give inner beauty shape and form, defined but not restricting, so that women can assess their growth areas with clear eyes, make actionable goals to see real progress in themselves, and celebrate their strengths and wins.
On this blog you will find tips, encouragement, and resources to make this journey smoother for all who choose to invest their time and energy into their own inner beauty, and thus, a better world. Because the person we have the most control over is ourselves, and as we change for the better, then woman by woman, we change the world for the better as well.
Welcome to the Caravan.